Export Timesheets Screen
Use the Export Timesheets screen to export timesheets to a labor staging table or payroll staging table, using the values set up for the Labor Distribution and Manage Payroll options on the Timesheet Classes screen.
In most cases, timesheets must be approved before you can export them. However, you have the option to export in-process (unapproved) timesheets for those timesheet classes that are set up to allow it.
The timesheet transaction remains in these staging tables for pickup, or the export application may call a transformer to transform the table entries into a specific ASCII layout.
To display the Export Timesheets screen, complete the following step:
Screen Fields
Export Options
Print Options
Under Print Options, select the type of report you want to print.
Timesheets Periods Table
This area displays the periods for those timesheets that are eligible for exporting.
If Time & Expense is set up to allow the export of timesheets for only one timesheet period at a time, select the period for which you want to export timesheets.
If Time & Expense is set up to allow the export of timesheets for more than one timesheet period at a time, click the check box at the top of the table to select all rows.
This table displays the employee groups that have timesheets with the required status and timesheet period. The only groups that display are those for which you are the designated supervisor.
This table displays the timesheet classes that contain employees who have timesheets with the required status and timesheet period. The only groups that display are those for which you are the designated supervisor.
When you have entered the timesheet selection information, you can process and export the records.